Proposed Investment Programme

Conditions for First Loan Effectiveness

The following conditions will apply for the effectiveness of the first loan.

  • MOUD will establish the Investment Program Coordination Cell with one full time Investment Program Manager and three key staff (Already established).
  • GOI will establish the National Steering Committee (Already established).
  • Each State will establish the State Investment Program Management and Implementation Unit comprising the State Program Director and key staff with suitable qualifications and experience acceptable to ADB (Already established in the State).

Conditions for Contract Award
Civil works contract award for the sanitary landfill site in Shillong is subject to

  • obtaining concurrence from the Pollution Control Board and (Consent received from MSPCB)
  • identification of adequate land for long term landfill and notification of land acquisition/transfer (Already finalized)
Action already taken in the State
  • Cabinet approval for implementation of NERCCDIP along with related issues has been obtained by Finance Department on 3.7.2007 and 15.12.2008.
  • Finance Department notified as the State Level Nodal Department.
  • Urban Affairs Department notified as State Level Executing Agency.
  • A State Level Steering Committee notified with Chief Secretary as Chairman .
  • An Investment Project Empowered Committee notified with Principal Secretary, Urban Affairs as Chairman.
  • A State Investment Project Management and Implementation Unit (SIPMIU) notified with Shri B. Dutta as Project Director.
  • After following the due process for appointment of consultants, SIPMIU has engaged M/S Mott MacDonald, Ahmedabad as the Design, Construction Supervision, Management (DSMC) consultant. The firm has fielded their team w.e.f. 18th January 2010.
  • After following the due process for appointment of consultants, SIPMIU has engaged M/S Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Gurgaon as the Institutional Development Consultant (IDC) for Shillong. The firm has fielded their team w.e.f 5th April 2010.
  • For execution of the Tranche-I civil work, bid evaluation report has been approved by ADB but work could not be awarded due to pending forest clearance.

The investment programme organization chart and the fund flow mechanism is shown in Annexures 3 & 4.

Impact and Outcome

The expected impact of the Investment Program is improved environment and well-being of urban residents in the five capital cities. The expected outcome of the Investment Program will be an increased access to better urban services for the 1.5 million people expected to be living in the Investment Program cities by 2015. To this end, the Investment Program will (i) improve and expand urban infrastructure and services in the cities including in slums and (ii) strengthen urban institutional, management, and the financing capacity of the urban institutions, including the urban local bodies. The Investment Program will ensure that the benefits from investments are enjoyed by the poor, women and all other vulnerable groups, and that any negative environmental and social impacts are alleviated. The Investment Program covers five capital cities of the five states namely Agartala (Tripura), Aizawl (Mizoram), Shilliong (Megalaya), Kohima (Nagaland), and Gangtok (Sikkim) and reflects priority investments.


The Investment Program outputs are grouped into two parts. Part A covers urban infrastructure and services improvement including the rehabilitation, improvement and expansion of (i) water supply, (ii) sewerage and sanitation, and (iii) solid waste management facilities. Part B covers Investment Program management and implementation assistance, as well as a comprehensive capacity building program to support the accomplishment of the urban institutional and financial reform agenda, enhanced planning, operation and maintenance (O&M), revenue mobilization, and financial management capabilities of service providers. The size and type urban infrastructure and services improvements under Part A may vary depending on the specific needs and demands of each city. They were determined on the basis of infrastructure master planning exercises, social surveys, and stakeholder consultations.

In Shillong the program will cover two sectors i.e. Solid Waste management and Sewerage apart from institutional and management capacity development. The overall investment for Shillong is expected to be in the range of 51.66$ million (Rs 251.45 crores @ Rs 48.675 per $). Tranche I for Shillong will cover Solid Waste Management i.e. development of an emergency short term landfill site with associated works at Mawiong and two consulting services for design supervision and management and institutional development works. For the Tranche-I project, ADB loan amount finalized is 4.622$ million. Tranche II and III will cover Solid Waste Management including development of a permanent landfill site with related works, a Sewerage System for Shillong and institutional reforms. The details of the project for Shillong are as per Annexure 1.

ADB investment is however linked to certain assurances to be fulfilled by the States. The assurances which have been incorporated in to the Framework Financing Agreement as well as the individual loan and project agreements are as follows:

  • State Governments will ensure that the Urban Governance, Finance and Service Delivery Improvement Action Plan (Annexure-2) will be implemented in accordance with the timeframe set in the action plan.
  • Empowered Committees and SIPMIUs, headed and staffed by officers with suitable qualifications and experience, acceptable to ADB, will be in place in each State throughout the Program.
  • In cities receiving funds from the MFF, the State Governments and GOI will ensure that adequate funds will be provided to meet any shortfall for financing operation and maintenance cost of assets created under the Investment Program.
  • Prior to any investment in augmentation of water supply in any of the cities, the city concerned will have approved a plan for increased investments in sewerage and sanitation.
  • GoI and the States will ensure that all land and right-of-way required for the Investment Program are made available in a timely manner, adequate compensations are provided prior to the signing of relevant civil works contracts, and involuntary resettlement is carried out in accordance with the Resettlement Framework (RF) and Resettlement Plans (RPs) agreed upon between the Government and ADB, the Government’s National Policy on Resettlement and Rehabilitation, and ADB’s Policy on Involuntary Resettlement (1995). An RP will be prepared for each sub-project involving land acquisition or resettlement and shall be submitted to ADB for review and approval prior to award of any related civil works contracts. For sample sub-projects, updated RPs will be provided to ADB for review and approval following detailed design and prior to award of civil contracts.
  • GoI and the States will ensure that the design, construction, operation and implementation of all sub-project facilities is carried out in accordance with the environmental assessment and review procedures and Initial Environmental Examinations (IEEs) for core sub-components agreed upon between the Government and ADB, and complies with the Government’s environmental laws and regulations and ADB’s Environment Policy (2002). Any adverse environmental impacts arising from the construction, operation and implementation of sub-component facilities will be minimized by implementing the environmental mitigation and management measures, and other recommendations specified in environmental assessment reports (e.g., IEEs, EIAs). The Government will ensure environmental requirements will be incorporated in bidding documents and civil works contracts.
  • GoI and the States will ensure that sub-projects will not negatively impact vulnerable groups, such as indigenous peoples. In the event of their involvement in any of the sub-projects, the GoI and the States will ensure that the sub-projects are carried out in accordance with the Indigenous Peoples Development Framework (IPDF) agreed upon between GoI and the States and ADB and comply with ADB’s Policy on Indigenous Peoples (1998).
  • GoI and the States will ensure that no child labor will be employed in the construction and maintenance of civil works under the Investment Program, that priority for work will be given to people from the area where the works are implemented, and that men and women will receive equal pay for work of equal value.
  • The GOI and the States will take all appropriate and necessary measures to ensure that the constitutional provisions regarding female councilors will be implemented.
  • In cities receiving funds from the Facility for water and sewerage, the State and/or ULB in charge of service delivery will make information on water testing publicly available.
  • Those cities that receive funds from the Facility for solid waste management will take all necessary and appropriate action to (1) implement legislation governing discharge of solid wastes, separation of wastes and disposal of hazardous wastes; (2) approve improved procedures for vehicle routing, asset control and staff management; (3) establish O&M procedures under which vehicles and other equipment are maintained in nearly-new condition, and repairs are carried out as needed; and (4) monitor waste collection and treatment, revenues and costs staff costs and other inputs

Notice Board